Heat Treatment
New Expanded Heat Treatment Furnace.
Arrow Tank has designed a configurable heat treatment furnace for flexibility in accommodating items of various shapes and sizes. Arrow Tank can stress relieve in one load, items from 18′ Diameter to 110′ long and 280 tons! Larger items or odd sizes can be completed using localized stress relieving in conjunction with the furnace to make sure we finish your project as quickly and as efficiently as possible.
Our facilities are used for heat treatment of heavy steel fabrications, components, segments, and plates. Our furnaces have fully calibrated controls and complete process data can be stored and printed from a computer program.
Arrow Tank’s heat treatment furnace uses natural gas. We position the load on unique supports which allow for expansion and contraction during the heating cycle.
Arrow's heat treatment facilities are ideal for stress relieving large and heavy welded fabrications such as pressure vessels, heavy-duty industrial steel and alloy gear in power transmission applications, mining equipment, industrial gearboxes, geared motors, and gear sets for energy applications.
Call our Toll-Free 1-800-333-5532 for a heat treatment Quote
To Submit an RFQ, CAD Drawing or P.O. Email sales@arrowtank.com